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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Are Dental Veneers Right For You? A Few Things To Consider Before You Get Them

You can whiten your smile, remove stains, cover the chips and cracks, and sometimes even help align the teeth. Sounds great, but dental veneers are not for everyone. If you are interested in obtaining them, maybe, but there are some things to consider beforehand.

Dental health is essential to

Before veneers, make sure that your teeth are in good condition. What this means is that you do not have gum disease or deterioration of the main issues involved. They are not designed to solve these problems. Dentists consider them as a form of "cosmetic dentistry", which means that the main objective is to improve the appearance of your smile. They will not help with more serious problems.

In fact, if you suffer from gum disease or tooth decay, you have no right to obtain them. Your dentist will not be able to properly put on, if you have any problems developed. You can still get them, but you will get your teeth into a more healthy first. You will not be able to use this treatment if you have not enough tooth enamel.

Dental veneers are permanent

Another important thing to remember is that dental veneers are permanent. This is not a temporary solution. Once you put them, they are there for good. There is a chance you can break it accidentally, but other than that, they will not come out.

To them, your dentist has to shave the enamel of your teeth. It is a necessary step for them. After that, there is no way to get back the enamel. It is important to remember that this is a permanent solution to the problems you have with your teeth.

Consider the cost

dental veneers cost a lot of money and they are not normally covered by insurance. What this means is that you must be serious about improving your smile as good, if you want to keep. You can expect to pay between $ 600 to $ 1,200 per tooth, depending on the type of cons-plated you use. Porcelain is usually more expensive because it lasts longer.

You should also think about the fact that, although very durable, veneers can break. It does not happen often, but if you do, you will pay for replacement. Make sure you are very motivated to do before.

If you agree, dental veneers are a great way to get your natural smile back. It is an effective and easy to fix chips, stains and other problems that we develop with our teeth over the years. If you plan to finish, get a consultation with a dentist and discuss with them the advantages and disadvantages. They will be able to say with certainty whether you are a candidate and recommend the type you prefer.

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