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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Frequently Asked Questions About the All on Four Dental Implants

The All on Four Dental implants are a new dental technology that allows a permanent set of teeth to be placed that look and feel natural.
How are they different from dentures?
Hey Dentist - Dental Website
All on Four implants are permanent teeth that are cleaned and brushed just like normal natural teeth. Unlike dentures, they do not need to be removed at night. No messy adhesives are needed, and no gagging occurs as may happen with dentures. The All on 4 implants allow patients to bite down on foods with higher levels of force. This means patients may eat their favorite foods again.
How do they compare to traditional dental implants?
Traditional dental implants typically require five to eight implants per arch. Because the All on 4 implants are placed at an angle, increased support is created by utilizing the natural bone support.
Another issue is that traditional implants often necessitate bone grafting. In order for this to work, there is some healing necessary, which can take 6-12 months. Traditional implants may take numerous procedures for complete placement, whereas All on 4 implants are single stage.
What should be expected?
While patients do have considerable differences, a general rule of thumb is that two visits will be necessary prior to the procedure for the initial consultation, x-rays, and impressions. The procedure itself can be done in one setting along with extracting any teeth. Multiple post-operative visits will be necessary to ensure the healing is going okay. At about six months, that is when the final teeth are placed. This is after the gums have healed up and the implants have stabilized. This procedure is much shorter and easier than the initial.
Who is a good candidate for All on Four Implants?
The best candidate for the procedure is a person wearing dentures currently. Or potentially a person who will need dentures in the future and does not have severe bone degeneration.
Where do the new teeth come from?
If the dentist's office has an on-site lab, the implants can be made there. There are dental offices that utilize 3D CAD/CAM technology along with having the fabrication machines in the office. In those situations, the dentist will be able to oversee every step of the procedure to ensure the best result possible.
Are there considerations beyond the implants to consider?
Interestingly, there are other considerations. One mistake dentists often make is to show a line in the area where the natural gums meet the artificial ones. This can look unnatural.
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How to Cure Dry Mouth at Night

Have you woken up in the middle of the night because of having dry mouth?

If you tried drinking more water but continue to have it at night, read this article to gain a clear understanding on how to cure this. Seek to cure this with our all natural solutions.

What is dry mouth?

Let's get to the basics of dry mouth. Dry mouth refers to a condition wherein you feel dry and sticky within your mouth. The feeling of excessive thirst is enough to wake you up throughout the night. It is also called xerostomia. It causes pain and discomfort that could also indicate other underlying medical condition.

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What are the causes of this?

A number of reasons can cause this to happen. Contrary to what people think, it is not only caused by dehydration. Dehydration plays a major role to it but there are still other factors.

Mouth breathing increases your risk to develop this at night. Some respiratory problems such as stuffy nose and sore throat force you to breath through your mouth causing this to happen while sleeping.

Nutritional deficiencies are also considered to be a cause. The lack of adequate amount of fruits and vegetables could also raise the risk of dehydration.

An acidic bloodstream can cause this too. Factors that result to an over-acidic state are alcohol, drugs, nicotine, and excessive consumption of meat, processed foods, high-sugared snacks, and stress.

Other medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and anemia when corrected could correct this. These diseases cause your blood stream to become acidic.

What are remedies for dry mouth at night?

Find out how these remedies can help alleviate the discomfort. Here are remedies to cure this condition.

1.Increase the moisture in the air by using a humidifier.

2.Drink more purified water to prevent mouth dryness and thirst at night.

3.Chew a gum or a candy before going to bed to increase the flow of saliva.

4.Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks including coffee, tea, or soda to decrease chances of dehydration.

5.Eliminate acid-producing food and drinks such as processed foods, soda, coffee, alcohol, meat, sweets, and among others.

6.Stop smoking.

7.Increase your fiber intake of raw fruits, fresh vegetables, and whole grains.

Our remedies are all natural solutions that foster acid reduction in your body. It is important to know that these treatments are not substitute for treatments recommended by medical practitioners.

Find out more information on remedies of dry mouth at night by visiting dry mouth at night.

Invisalign - How Invisalign Works

In the past, if you wanted to have a perfect, straight smile, you would have to suffer through traditional metal braces, which could sometimes include headgear, rubber bands, and other unsightly forms of treatment. However, today more and more patients are choosing Invisalign as their braces system of choice. This involves the use of clear, removable aligners that are custom-made to fit each patient's teeth. The aligners are crafted in a series, to press directly onto the teeth, exert pressure, and move them slowly into place with the same technique used with the regular metal braces system.

To start the process of determining whether or not you could be a good candidate for Invisalign treatment, you will first need to have a consultation with your orthodontist or dentist. During his initial evaluation, the dentist will be able to map out the movements and attachments that will be necessary to guide your teeth gently into a new, straight position. Planning is critical to the success of this type of treatment plan. When you are deciding whether metal braces or these clear braces are the best option that is one factor to take into consideration.

There are several reasons why more patients than ever today are choosing Invisalign over the metal alternative. The major reason is the fact that these are almost entirely invisible, while metal braces can be bulky, awkward, and completely visible. Another benefit, however, is that with this type of system, you can reduce the actual amount of time you spend in the dentist's chair. With traditional braces, it's necessary to go into the dentist on a regular basis to have them tightened up. These visits need to be made every two weeks, on average. However, with the newer programs, you only need to visit the dentist every six weeks to get the new set of aligners and check on your progress.

Another huge benefit to choosing Invisalign is that you can remove the braces when you eat, brush your teeth, and floss. This helps improve oral hygiene, because food doesn't get stuck in your braces. The full process of having these braces put into place involves a CT scan of your teeth and a computer design of the likely movements of your teeth, to get started. After this, molds will be made of your teeth at each stage of the treatment so that your customized aligners can be crafted to specifically fit your mouth. This provides the most effective results.

Dentistry has come a long way in the past twenty years and our dental office, Atlas Park Dental Queens, New York is no exception.

Atlas Park Dental is a Queens dentist office offering a full range of dental services from root canals to smile makeovers 7 days a week.

To find out more, visit us online and book an appointment with our Queens Invisalign specialist today.

Gain the Knowledge of Various Dental Marketing Strategies

There are large quantities of dental practices that are struggling in the current economic environment. While many businesses would like to blame their economic decline or failure on the problems of the economy, the reality is it is often business-related decisions that are impacting your company's success or failure. When you run a dental practice and do not embrace the opportunities that exist with dentistry marketing, your business is ultimately set to have minimal achievement or potential failure. In order to understand how various marketing strategies can impact your company success, the following identifies the pros and cons found with word-of-mouth, indirect, direct, and Internet strategies.

Word-Of-Mouth Strategies

One of the most commonly utilized marketing strategies of the dental profession is found with the potential for embracing word-of-mouth resources. As a few individuals discover your practice, dental professionals hope that the high-quality services and procedures completed will help to inspire word-of-mouth marketing through these satisfied clients. While this does represent a high quality resource of marketing, it should never represent your only dentistry marketing strategy.

Indirect Strategies

As dental practices begin to recognize that word-of-mouth opportunities are relatively in efficient, they commonly seek traditional marketing solutions that feature indirect strategies. The utilization of print marketing, radio media, and television are examples of indirect strategies where you advertise to a large quantity of individuals in order to capture the attention of a limited few. While this may be effective in capturing the attention of these individuals, it can also prove to be a very expensive dentistry marketing investment.

Direct Strategies

An alternative that has become available for individuals to take advantage of when seeking opportunities for lowering marketing dollars and increasing advertising results is found with the implementation of direct strategies. Through direct marketing strategies you are seeking to capture the attention of your existing clients and any referrals they have provided through e-mail marketing, mobile communication, and the opportunities of direct mail marketing.

Internet Strategies

When looking to further expand upon the opportunities of direct marketing, the solutions of dentist Internet marketing offer a tremendous number of possibilities to expand your business with. The use of social profiles in highly popular networks can allow you to gain access to a wide variety of different individuals in your area to promote your business and the services you provide. E-mail marketing can be expanded upon as you take advantage of various lists that provide you access to individuals seeking the services of a dental professional.

By weighing the opportunities that are available to you with each of these marketing strategies you can help in evaluating the best resources to assist with your businesses success. In order to determine some of the highest quality solutions your business can access when seeking the possibilities of direct and Internet dentistry marketing strategies, utilize the resources provided at

Hi my name is Ed O'Keefe, and over the past 7 ½ years I have shown over 5300 General Dentists world wide how to flood their practice with patients using my counter-intuitive, yet extremely effective dental marketing, internet dental marketing secrets, and dental advertising secrets that are proven, guaranteed, and unmatched by anyone else in dentistry! Visit to know more about Dental Marketing.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What Are Dental Flippers?

Periodontal diseases, injuries and dental decay are some of the leading causes of tooth loss. However, there are many ways of tooth replacement including porcelain crowns, dentures, bridges and dental implants are some of the better replacement options for missing teeth. However, most of these dental treatments are expensive and require multiple sessions at the dental clinics. When dentures are to be fitted, it can take quite sometime before you are actually fitted with the false teeth. And all this while, till the original teeth are extracted and the denture is fitted, the individual is left without the teeth, which can be troublesome. This is where dental flipper can be a good option.

Basically, dental flipper is a good option for partial dentures and is an acrylic plate with false teeth. The dentist takes a measurement as per your mouth and a mold is created. The missing spaces on the plate are fitted with artificial teeth. The color of the artificial teeth is checked against the natural color of your teeth and crafted accordingly. The pink-colored acrylic plate is then attached to the gums with acrylic snaps and set between the teeth. However, if you are ready to spend a little more, you can get the plate secured in your mouth with tiny metal balls and wires. It sits snugly against the upper palate or below the tongue. However the placement depends upon the position of the teeth that are missing.

Additionally, there are numerous advantages of using dental flippers. As they are lightweight and easy to install, usage is easy. You only need to snap them on after placing it in position and make prefect temporary dentures till the permanent ones are created. And as these are inexpensive, they are a better option than dental implants and bridges. Usually the average price of the flipper is in the range of $300-$500. However, the dental flipper will not pose to be an obstacle in the path of speaking. One of the disadvantages of getting dental flipper is that when you eat, you need to remove them although there are certain foods that can be eaten while wearing it.

Other than that dental flippers are a good option when you have decayed teeth. If you have weak or decayed teeth, dental implants would not be a good option as the implanted tooth is supported by the adjacent ones. Dental flippers are oftentimes recommended for those younger teens that are not good candidates for dental implants. Loss of tooth can be due to injuries or accidents and can happen at any age. If you need any extra teeth put on the acrylic plate, it is easy and you won't miss any teeth.

However flippers only temporary options but there are some people that wear it for years. However, dentists do not recommend it for extended periods as it can put pressure on the gums. Additionally, acrylic is brittle and chances are high that it may break while you are talking or eating, if it has been in use for a long period of time.

For the latest information on finding a Los Angeles dentist or on getting quality cosmetic dentistry visit

What Causes Tooth Decay and Cavities?

Tooth decay, also called dental caries, is a common dental disease and affects nearly everyone. But what is it that causes cavities? How can you prevent it? Is there more than just brushing and avoiding sugar? If you are interested in the scientific explanation of these questions - so that you can learn how to live without decay - keep reading!

Fact #1 - Bacteria cause tooth decay

There are hundreds of different types of bacteria found on your teeth. They live in the grooves and crevices found on the tooth surface. They can even stick to the smooth surfaces of your teeth, like along the gumline. The "scum" that you can feel or see on your teeth after a long day is made up of bacteria and the sticky glue-like substances that they make. This is called plaque. When the bacteria in plaque are exposed to carbohydrates - from your meal - they soak it up and begin to eat, reproduce, and make acid as a by-product. The acid is the worst news - this acid can eat away at your tooth surface if the conditions are right.

Fact #2 - Acid makes holes in your teeth

Many things can affect whether or not the acid made by bacteria will cause a cavity or hole to form in your tooth. Some areas of the tooth are more susceptible, like the grooves on the chewing surface. Some teeth are less dense, or have fewer minerals. A higher amount of fluoride in the surface layers of the tooth can resist acid better. But the secret here... is that all teeth get a little damage from acid...the key is to be able to repair it.

Fact #3 - Your body can repair damage from decay

As soon as bacteria are making acid on the tooth, your body is working to help. Your saliva is full of buffers, minerals, and immune system components which help to neutralize the acid, repair damaged tooth structure, and limit the growth of the bacteria. The quality and quantity of saliva is VERY important to prevent decay.

Fact #4 - You can control the cycle of damage vs. repair

There are two basic ways to swing the tooth decay cycle in your favor. One way is to reduce the acid production. You can brush and floss the bacterial plaque off your teeth. You can avoid the sugars that the bacteria love. Their favorite is sucrose - found in table sugar, pop, candy, sugared gum and mints. However, they also can thrive on more natural sugars like fructose and starches - so even fruit juice or other foods can be a problem. The key is to limit the amount of time, and the number of times that you eat or drink anything. This means you CAN have a pop or juice, but just don't sip on it for a long time. Have it during your lunch or dinner and then be done with it. Between meals stick to calorie free things like water, an occasional diet soda, or sugarless gum. Of course not everyone can follow these dietary rules - check with your doctor.

The second way to prevent decay is to give your body a good chance to repair the damage. Be sure to eat a healthy diet so that your saliva is of good quality. You can stimulate saliva flow by chewing a piece of sugarless gum. Some gum contains xylitol, a natural sugar alcohol, which slows down the decay causing bacteria.

Finally, it is important to get rid of the build-up of bacteria on your teeth. Brushing and flossing your teeth helps to clean off these bacteria. Also, fluoride applied to the teeth in the form of toothpaste makes them more resistant to decay.

Get professional help

Help eliminate decay causing bacteria by getting rid of cavities at your dentist's office. Having one cavity is like having an infection that can spread bacteria all over your mouth. When you have all areas of decay removed, and you are following good dietary habits you will be on your way to excellent oral health.

Our family dental practice is located in Dayton, Ohio. For further information about this topic visit:

Teeth Stains: Causes, Treatment and Prevention

You flash a satisfied smile but suddenly it vanishes from your face! Did you notice the dull yellow color of your teeth? Just look at those unsightly teeth stains and discoloration. You cannot deny it, it is embarrassing. The frightening part is: you don't know how it happened and how to get it back to that baby-white color again. There are numerous reasons for teeth discoloration, but before you decide on how to treat it, it is essential to know what causes your teeth to discolor. In an era with the perfect smile, white is vital.

Yellowing teeth can be a very distressing problem and your best way to deal with it is to know more about the causes and signs of teeth discoloration. Knowing more about this problem can better help you evaluate the best treatment for you.

The signs of teeth stains and discoloration are rather obvious and very easy to spot: yellowing, discoloration, and black spots in the teeth.

What causes teeth discoloration? Some of the reasons of teeth yellowing are:

Pigments in Food and Drinks. Stains and yellow teeth can be caused by some pigments present in the food and drinks that we use.Improper Hygiene. If you are a smoker or don't brush your teeth regularly; discoloration, stains and bad breath can result.Ageing. Our tooth's enamel gradually erodes as we grow old and eventually exposes the natural yellow color of the teeth.Medications. Chemotherapy and some other medications can affect the enamel of the teeth. This causes discoloration.

Some Treatments for Teeth Discoloration.

There are various treatments for teeth stains and discoloration and it varies depending on the severity of the case. Professional dental whitening is one option. Cosmetic procedures and dental veneers are commonly implemented by dentists in order to re-establish the teeth's white coloring. Another cheaper and more convenient method is to do your own whitening at home. People who do not want to undergo difficult cosmetic teeth whitening procedures can buy a home teeth-whitening kit, which usually consists of a mold, a whitening tray and a whitening gel.

How to choose the best home teeth whitening kit.

First decide what your needs are before choosing a teeth whitening kit. Secondly, instead of the usual carbamide peroxide, choose a product which uses hydrogen peroxide as their whitening agent. That is because carbamide peroxide breaks up almost 400 times slower than hydrogen peroxide and it offers you the fastest and best results. And lastly, choose the one which will give you the best value for your money. Offers that looks too good to be true will more often than not just prove to be that... too good to be true! It will deliver poor results; so it is best to compare different products depending on their formulations, effectiveness and prices.

Choose the best home teeth whitening product; you can save a lot of time, money and energy as against undergoing a professional teeth whitening procedure. With these guidelines in mind, you can be sure you are making the right decision.

Removing teeth stains and restoring your teeth's white color will involve some time and effort from your part. Be familiar with the problem, research which is the best treatment and product that can help you make the right decision and use it diligently. By deciding on the best treatment for your problem you can be sure that you will be flashing your lovely, white smile with confidence.

While most home teeth whitening products offer a 14-day money back guarantee, only the top products will offer you a 28-day money back guarantee. Also, ensure that the 28-day guarantee is not tied to complex terms and conditions, since it only means they are not confident with their products. Choose a product now which offers a 28-day full money back guarantee without any conditions,

Author: James van Heerden

Cosmetic Dentistry - From Tooth Whitening to Smile Makeover

A cosmetic dentist using today's advanced technologies and proven procedures can help uncover a brighter smile on your face. Cosmetic dental solutions today can range from basic tooth whitening treatments to complete smile makeovers. Among the specific solutions utilizing a great deal of the latest researches and methods are tooth whitening, invisible braces, and dental implants.

Tooth whitening is done by applying peroxide gel on your teeth and using laser to boost the whitening process. This intense light system results in the activation of the whitening gel and the chemical reaction leading to the whitening effect. In most cases, this treatment takes about an hour or even less.

A cosmetic dentist would often recommend tooth whitening if you have stains that appear yellow or even light brown, which are often superficial stains. If the stains on your teeth are of grayish hues, they are most probably embedded in your tooth structure and might need other procedures to be corrected. Cosmetic solutions that may be suggested are veneers or crowns, depending on the extent of your dental problem.

Invisible braces or aligners let you say goodbye to the ugly metallic wire type. Braces are generally recommended to straighten out crooked teeth. Invisible braces, also known by its well-known brand name Invisalign, are often requested by patients due to aesthetic reasons. They are hardly noticeable, especially from afar, compared to traditional braces. It's also said to be more comfortable than metallic as they can be easily removed before you eat.

Similar to traditional braces, when having invisible aligners made, the cosmetic dentist will make an impression of your teeth, which will be sent to the laboratory that will create your custom aligners. You can usually try your first set of aligners after a couple of weeks. Some people already move on to the next set of aligners in less than a month. The number of necessary invisible aligners depends on how serious your dental problem is.

A dental implant is another of the more recent dental solutions that are being offered in clinics all over the world. It is the perfect choice for you if your dental health is generally in good condition, except for the fact that you lost a tooth or more for some reason. Implants replace lost teeth without needing to modify anything in your existing tooth structure. They also support dental bridges, instead of having partial dentures. They are also sometimes used to help dentures have a more secure and comfortable fit.

These are just some of most recent cosmetic solutions that have been proven by dental experts to address various dental problems. If you think you've got discolored, damaged or crooked teeth, visit a cosmetic dentist and ask for advice on which procedure would be best for you.

Consult an expert cosmetic dentist Melbourne today. Visit the Albert Square Dental website to know more about the different cosmetic procedures to remedy your dental problem.

Common Dental Treatment: Replace Missing Teeth With Dentures

Though there are a variety of available dental treatments, for missing teeth, only dentures and porcelain veneers are the answer. If your current teeth are beyond restoration, the dentists will advice you to get a set of dentures. However, before dentures can be installed, all of the remaining teeth have to be removed.

Other situations that may require you to get the rest of your teeth removed include broken teeth that are beyond repair, severely decayed teeth where root canal cannot be performed.

Other reasons maybe fractured roots, root canal treatment that has failed and advanced periodontal diseases. However, there are two basic types of dentures that are used- complete dentures and partial dentures. The selection of the denture is based on the number of teeth that are still in good condition or have been restored. In most cases, individuals that have no teeth in the upper and lower jaw require complete dentures. These are designed to replace all of the original teeth. There is further sub categorization among the complete dentures which includes immediate dentures, conventional dentures and over-dentures.

Conversely, partial dentures are used when there are one or more teeth that are missing from the same dental arch. These are dental arches or ceramic clasps that are anchored onto the natural teeth for stability. Life without your natural teeth can be different experience in the beginning. However wearing dentures can take some time to adjust to your lifestyle in the first few months. Most dentists recommend that it is better to select food items that are soft to chew until you are comfortable with the dentures. As dentures are constructed, it may feel like your whole mouth is filled with them which can hamper the normal flow of speech. So if you find yourself mumbling or have difficulty in pronunciation, you may do loud reading to ensure that you get back to the normal flow of speaking.

Oftentimes dentures require to be realigned as the bone and gums shrink with time. This specially happens after you have your natural teeth extracted to get a complete denture. The shrinking gums may cause the denture to become loose and clicking sounds are heard when you eat or talk. If it gets very loose, it can fall out of your mouth. The dental treatment will ensue and the dentures will be relined which includes adding more acrylic material to make sure that the dentures fit perfectly.

In most cases, the denture that has been realigned will require minor adjustments by the dentists so that the pressure points on the gums are not there. It may require more than one session to get a smooth fit and level of comfort. Although you won't get any cavities in the dentures, but plaque formation happens which may lead to gum infection, thrush, mouth sores and irritation to the gums. Thus, cleaning the dentures everyday is important. There are numerous gentle denture cleaners that you can use to have hygienically clean dentures.

For the latest information on finding a Los Angeles dentist or on getting quality cosmetic dentistry visit

Am I a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

A cosmetic dentist can offer a number of services to make your smile whiter and brighter but the simplest and easiest way is through a teeth whitening process that can be performed in one short visit to the office. Coffee, tea and other food products, over time, can dull the natural color of your teeth along with other factors. Whitening can reverse this quickly and easily.

Are you a good candidate for a teeth whitening system? If your teeth are discolored due to certain food and drinks, smoking, certain childhood illnesses or even poor dental hygiene in the past, chances are very good that teeth whitening would be a good choice for you.

A qualified dentist can offer you several whitening processes. Some, like the Rembrandt Sapphire Service, are performed in the office and can offer a significantly brighter smile in about one hour. There are also programs that you can do in the convenience and comfort of your home like the Treswhite System by Opalescence, which uses disposable whitening trays that work while you watch TV or work online. These are both professional systems that are only available through a professional dental office. They should not be confused with over the counter whitening strips. These products typically do not work as well, despite their claims.

Some cases of tooth discoloration do not respond well to whitening procedures, such as when teeth are naturally dark or discolored do to certain diseases, fluorosis, or genetics. These are referred to as intrinsic discoloration (internal), as opposed to extrinsic discoloration caused by some outside agent. Porcelain crowns and composite fillings also cannot be chemically whitened.

Fortunately, today there is help for those suffering from many forms of intrinsic situations through veneer applications and replacement crowns.

Consult a dentist to determine the cause and proper treatment of dental discoloration. The causes can be surprising. Sometimes it can be a sign of underlying medical conditions such as severe acid reflux or use of certain antibiotics. Even psychological problems can cause tooth problems: Anorexia nervosa and bulimia can cause enamel erosion or discoloration. Poor dental hygiene may also be a factor. An experienced dentist should take care of other tooth problems before the whitening process begins.

A cosmetic dentist should be seen once the cause of discoloration is established and the whitening process is recommended. This procedure should only be done under the care of a professional dental team trained in these procedures. Once completed, the increased degree of brightness to the smile can have many positive benefits. These include greater self-confidence, sex appeal, a youthful appearance and a radiance that will cause others to respond to you in a positive manner.

White teeth represent youth, vitality and good health. They can make or break a job interview, a date or other important occasion in which first impressions count. It is easier than ever to achieve a vibrant smile, and there are more affordable choices out there.

Tooth whitening applied by a cosmetic dentist is the single most effective way to improve your appearance in one hour or less. Coupled with a great new hairstyle and a new outfit, perhaps, and your wow factor will increase dramatically as will your overall outlook.

Want to learn more about a cosmetic dentist?

Get more information:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Denture Adhesives - What Type of Adhesive Is the Very Best?

There are days when you need extra reassurance that your dentures are not going to fall out and embarrass you. Other times, dentures become loose or uncomfortable and you just cannot get to the dentist quickly. At times like these, finding the best denture adhesive for you is very important. However, it can also be a challenge. The most important thing to consider when choosing a denture adhesive is which type is best for you. There are two things to consider when choosing an adhesive. First, you want to choose an adhesive that you are comfortable using. Next, you want one that gives you the stability and reassurance you need to make it through your busy day.

There are many different types of dental adhesive. The most common types are powder, wafer, tape, cream or paste, and cushion. Please keep in mind that while denture adhesives will keep your dentures secure, they should never be used with rocking, poorly made, or truly ill-fitting dentures. They are all designed to make your dentures more comfortable and give you peace of mind - not to fix any underlying structural problems your dentures may have.

There are pros and cons to each type of denture adhesive. Powders are easy to apply. If you use too much powder, the excess is relatively easy to clean up. And, while powders do provide a secure grip it usually only lasts for a few hours at a time.

Tapes and wafers are placed on the denture base and cut to fit. This means that these types of adhesive are very easy to apply. These usually provide a good, secure grip all day. On the other hand, these do not provide any cushioning and, therefore, do not make wearing your dentures any more comfortable. Pastes and creams are equally easy to apply. They provide a good, secure grip for longer periods of time. However, if you use too much, the excess squeezes out from between your gums and the dentures and will need to be cleaned up. Sometimes this is difficult to accomplish.

A special type of denture adhesive is cushion grip. This product is applied like a cream or paste. It might be a little messy until you figure out just how much to use. However, some cushion grip adhesives can keep you dentures comfortably in your mouth for up to four days. The other adhesives last for anywhere from a few hours to one day.

No matter which of these denture adhesives you choose, there are a few other things to keep in mind when picking out a product. Always make sure your dentures are clean and all left over adhesive has been removed before applying new adhesive. Make sure you always follow the package directions and your dentist's instructions when using your dentures or any adhesive product. Also keep in mind that allergic reactions can occur when using a new product of any kind. If you suspect you are having an allergic reaction, always discontinue use and contact your doctor or dentist right away.

Jack Sheppard is a avid health enthusiast who became interested in denture care because of his parents. Check out his latest website at Best Denture Adhesive, where he provides unbiased information on the different types of Denture Glue and the importance of dental cleaners.

Is It Safe To Get Dental Implants?

As a constant evolving branch of science, dentistry is deals with the diseases and anatomy of the teeth. With advancing technology, innovative methods are being evolved to make dentistry more aesthetically pleasing. One of the most recent innovations is dental implants, the only way to replace missing teeth. But are dental implants safe? To know that you need to know more about dental implants.

Dental implants are the permanent and fixed prosthesis positioned within the individual's mouth. It consists of a screw that is drilled into the jawbone to ensure that the artificial tooth remains in place. It is an expensive procedure and costs around $1300- $3000 per implanted tooth. However if there is a need for bone regeneration or anything more complicated, it can cost around $15000. However, though it gives you the satisfaction of having permanent teeth, giving the face its natural lift, there are a few risks associated which you need to know about.

Conversely, there is no procedure that can be completed in a clinic or hospital that can be said to be risk free. However, the dental implant is one of the most precise and invasive procedure completed by a dentist and though has many positive aspects, risks do exist. One of the major risks of this procedure includes rejection. There is always a risk that your body will reject the implant as any foreign object that is implant comes with the risk of being rejected. Though these implant screws are constructed of titanium, chances of rejection are low. But rejection is high when the sterilization has not been done properly and an infection interferes with the dental procedure.

Another factor to consider is the gap. When the implant is put in the jawbone, the ceramic or porcelain crown is put in after a few weeks. Though it is not a direct risk, but there is a gap in the cavity and sometimes, the adjacent teeth drift in and there is crowding especially when it is time to fix the crown.
However, the main factor that needs to be considered is the risk of infections. This is why it calls for extreme hygiene and sterilization during the dental implant process. However any carelessness during the procedure can result in infections that can jeopardize the implantation process. In some cases, it is so severe that it spreads into the jawbone causing untold misery and pain. Another risk is the rusting of the dental implant screw. Though it is made of titanium, which is resistant to rust but can be a cause of infection of the individual drinks coffee or tea excessively.

However, despite the risks, it still makes sense to go in for the procedure as the plus points outweighs the risks. The chances of risks are very low when proper care is taken. At the end of the day, undergoing the dental implants is worth it. And that is the reasons there has been manifold as more people prefer permanent fixtures than dentures or other partial dental devices.

For the latest information on finding a Los Angeles dentist or on getting quality cosmetic dentistry visit

Dentist - Top Tips for Oral Hygiene

Although a good dentist can work wonders, dental health begins at home. There are a number of measures to take to keep your mouth clean, which can help flush out harmful bacteria from the teeth and gums. When going in to a dentist's office for cleanings and other types of procedures, the importance of a daily oral hygiene routine will be emphasized. This helps to remove dental plaque which leads to tooth decay and gum disease, while also preventing cavities. Those suffering from bad breath will also want to think about their oral hygiene, as this is one of the easiest ways to make your breath smell fresh and clean. All of this effort pays off in the long run, with a brighter smile and an improved sense of well-being overall.

Your gums take the biggest hit when you neglect your oral hygiene routine. During any routine visit with the dentist, he or she will check for signs of periodontal disease. This is caused when harmful bacteria start to eat away at gums, leading to them becoming swollen, bloody and irritated. Over time, they can recede, leading to an increased chance of bone disease. The bacteria that cause gum disease can also leak into the bloodstream, causing further complications. To protect your gums and the rest of your body, daily oral care is essential.

Brushing your teeth, gums, and tongue is the first step towards a brighter smile. If you are not sure if you are doing it correctly, speak to your dentist for help with this issue. Dentists recommend brushing twice a day, as well as after meals. This helps sweep out any lingering sugar from food, protecting you from plaque and bacteria. Be sure to choose toothpaste that is approved by the American Dental Association. An electric toothbrush can help keep your technique on track. Flossing is another important factor when it comes to oral hygiene, because it is the best way to remove any plaque that is hiding in between teeth. Waxed floss can make it easier to glide in between trouble spots.

Although brushing and flossing are the most important factors when it comes to oral hygiene, there may be some other tips and techniques recommended by your dentist. Antibacterial mouthwash can be a good way to prevent gingivitis and further gum disease, while strengthening teeth. Healthy food and regular professional dental cleanings finish the job, so that you will have a brighter, healthier smile.

Dentistry has come a long way in the past twenty years and our dental office, Hutchinson Metro Dental, Bronx, New York is no exception.

Hutchinson Metro Dental is a New York dentist office offering a full range of dental services from root canals to smile makeovers 7 days a week.

To find out more, visit us online and book an appointment with a Bronx dentist today.

The Cost of Dental Implants: A Smart Investment With Unbelievable Returns

One of the greatest misconceptions abound is that the cost of dental implants is prohibitively high. First of all, the cost of dental implants is far from prohibitive and while this sophisticated teeth replacement technology may require a greater initial investment than traditional methods, such a dental bridges and removable dentures, there are several very important reasons for this. The cost of tooth implants buys you the very best technology available for the replacement of single and multiple missing teeth; one that is virtually indistinguishable in aesthetics and function from natural teeth and one that boasts a lifespan of 20 to 30 years; and even more, if cared for properly. In order to fully appreciate the cost of teeth implants and why it is that the initial price tag is higher than more traditional solutions to missing teeth, let's take a look at the benefits and advantages afforded by this sophisticated technology.

The Cost of Dental Implants: Understanding What You're Paying For

When making as important an investment as the cost implants, it always helps to understand exactly what you're getting. First and foremost, tooth implants offer the very best, most sophisticated and long term solution to single and multiple missing teeth:

Flawless Smile Aesthetics: The artificial crowns fitted to the abutments or 'collars' of teeth implants are skillfully fabricated from the highest quality ceramic material to be virtually indistinguishable from any natural healthy tooth. The color of the crown is custom blended to closely match that of your neighboring teeth so that even your close friends and family won't be able to tell the difference.

Fully Restored Bite Functionality: The cost of implants also gets you a replacement tooth or teeth that enable you to eat all the foods you love with a completely normal bite force. With traditional solutions, such as dental bridges and dentures, patients tend to be careful about what they eat and the strength with which they bite down. This can prevent them from fully enjoying their food and due to functional impairments, eating difficulties and self-consciousness, can also result in malnutrition! By covering the cost of tooth implants, you can bite into that delicious steak without worrying or feeling self-conscious.

Long-Term Solution: The implants last substantially longer than traditional teeth replacement technology. In fact, they boast a lifetime of 20 to 30 years and even longer! Just by covering the cost of dental implants today, you get to receive a sophisticated and long-term solution to your oral problems; and one that very rarely requires future attention or restoration.

Oral Comfort and Self-Confidence: Teeth implants do not in any way damage or compromise the surrounding hard or soft tissue in the mouth. Because they replace the entire tooth, from the root to the crown, they do not feel like a foreign object, which reduces self-awareness and discomfort, both physical and mental.

The Cost of Dental Implants: In Summary

What are you looking for out of a tooth replacement solution? Would you like something permanent, aesthetic, functional and comfortable? In other words; a replacement tooth that is virtually indistinguishable from a natural tooth? If so, then the cost of dental implants is a smart investment for you. In fact, the cost of the implant is a smart investment for anyone that is missing one, several or even all of their adult teeth!

Derek Dawson is working in a reputed dental implants clinic and very particular about letting people know about the dental implants cost saving features. According to him cost of dental implants comes along with the permanent cure of decaying teeth and henceforth people should consider Cost dental implants treatment methods.

How to Take Care of Plaque and Tartar

Plaque and tartar are two common dental problems. People generally get confused between plaque and tartar and how they are related with one another. This article will tell you about how to recognize them and the necessary precautions that should be adopted to prevent them.


It is a sticky and colourless bacterial deposit that constantly forms on the surface of tooth. This deposit collects on teeth at the point where gums and teeth meet. This deposit is a combination of food, fluids and saliva.

The formation of plaque traps stains on the surface of teeth. It is the main reason for gum diseases. Fighting plaque and preventing it from occurring in the future is the main and essential part of a good and hygienic dental care. Plaque may also cause cavities, which are responsible for teeth weakening.

Plaque starts forming on the surface of teeth after 4-12 hours of brushing. This is the reason that it is considered very important to brush twice a day. Daily flossing is also very important. It is mandatory to regularly brush your teeth; however it is not sufficient to ensure good oral care. Always make it a point to floss at least once a day. It ensures that even hard to reach areas of your teeth are cleaned properly. It also helps in the prevention of plaque.


Tartar is also called calculus. It is a crusty deposit that traps stains on teeth and results in the discoloration of teeth. Crystals are formed on the teeth with the combination of phosphate and calcium. Plaque generally hardens these calcium phosphate crystals and results in tartar or calculus. There are certain chemicals that help in decreasing tartar build up such as pyrophosphates. It stops the formation of crystals on surface of teeth and prevents the formation of new crystals. A strong bond is created with tartar that can only be removed with the help of a good dental professional. Formation of tartar makes it difficult to remove plaque bacteria, further increasing the problems.

Prevention of plaque and tartar

The effect of plaque and tartar is different in different people. There is variance in the resistance and susceptibility of different people and so is the impact of tartar and plaque on them. Generally, the deposits of tartar and plaque build up fast as we age, which means we need to give more care to our dental care in old age. There are some ways that can help in protecting teeth from the build up of tartar and plaque. These are:

1. You should get your teeth cleaned professionally once every six months. It can be more frequent as per the advice of your dental care professional.
2. The toothpaste that you use should have pyrophosphate that adheres to surface of tooth and limits the growth and formation of calculus crystals.
3. When you brush with toothpaste containing sodium hexametaphosphate, a sort of pyrophosphate, it not only limits the formation of calculus crystals but also helps in loosening and breaking of bonds of the extrinsic strains. It whitens teeth and provides a protective barrier for the prevention of future strains.

The Dental Practice in London Established over 40 years with a London W1 Dental Surgery one of Londons leading dentists.

Dental Care For Starters - Whiter Teeth and Brighter Smile in No Time

If you really care about your teeth and your smile, then I have some really great tips for you. Let's start, proper dental health is not only important to our healthy and physical looks, but is as much importantly to the well being of the entire body. The leading cause of dental caries today and it remains to be one of the most common causes of teeth problem is today's diet changes. Not only does the big diet change (we eat a lot of more sugar and whiter food) cause dental caries but it's also a main candidate to TMJ lockjaw and jack muscle spasm. After reading this article you will have the facts about how to get a good oral health and greatly improve the quality of your teeth.

The main ingredient of a good dental health is not only to take care of your teeth, but also your gums and jaw. The sad part about maintaining a good oral health is that it can at times prove to be expensive. Fortunately with today's cheap home teeth development tools you can instantly improve your teeth quality and oral health at the same rate as a dentist would without spending a lot of money on dentists. For this article I will mainly focus on the Crest 3D line of products, not only because they are experts in oral health, but also of their huge range of products that covers everything from teeth whitening, dental caries and products for your gums. As importantly as having a health oral health, so is having a healthy diet, so let's take a look at that.

In the introduction I mentioned that one of the biggest problems that lead to dental caries is the diet. There is some truth to be told that dental caries is a very old disease that has been around for ages, however, it became much more prevalent in the latter part of the 19th century of the invention of sodas and cheap sugar. The real great part is that you can greatly increase your chances of preventing this disease just by following a few simple guidelines...

#1. Brush your teeth twice per day. I would recommend brushing with Crest 3D White Vivid Fluoride toothpaste because they are specialized in dental caries. Brush your teeth with Crest 3D every morning and at night before bed.

#2. Floss your teeth daily and use some form of mouthwash for full mouth cleaning. My favorite is Crest Whitening Rinse Fresh Mint.

#3. Now the kings of the kings in causing dental caries - sugar. Sugar is the worst enemy for your teeth and it also acid away your tooth enamel. So try to avoid as much sugar in your diet as possible.

Now you have a simple proven system for a healthier oral health. You learned how to take care of your teeth, what causes dental caries and three easy steps defeating dental caries!

Daniel Ronnerborg is a model photographer and has been a part-time product reviewer for four years, primarily in the Beauty field. Check out his Crest 3D Review Blog for more reviews and information about the Crest 3D products. Crest 3D is %55 off for a limited time only at his Crest 3D Review blog!

Most Important Points to Consider Before Going to Any Cosmetic Dentist for Treatment

With new advancements in technology coming forth each year, the scope and trend of a cosmetic dentist is constantly on the rise. On top of all that, media is constantly molding the minds of the general public showing them pictures of perfect teeth and smiles. These images have been fixated on our minds and more and more people are now rushing to a cosmetic dentist to get treatment for even the slightest problem they have in the way their smiles or mouths appear. This has suddenly increased the scope since technology has made almost everything possible. But with advancements in technology the work of a these professionals has also become more and more specialized and complicated. It requires a great amount of skill and experience to become a professional in this field. Therefore, if you are interested in getting any cosmetic surgery done, you should be very careful and thorough in your search for the right professional. You would not want to ruin your current look by going to an inexperienced and cheap cosmetic dentist. There have been a lot of cases in which people have ended up with severely worse and deformed looks only because they ended up going to an inexperienced professional who further worsened their problem instead of fixing it. You would not want that to happen to you.

This article will help you to choose the right cosmetic dentist so you can avoid any mishaps. The chances are you might already be seeing a dentist or a family doctor. If so the first best thing is to ask your current doctor or dentist about any referrals for a good and experienced professional. Doctors know doctors best, especially dentists; therefore you can truly rely on such referrals rather than referrals from the internet or ads. They know what your needs are and will be able to better guide you in your search for the right professional. Another great place to check out is the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. They have their own official website on which they list all those cosmetic dentists that are working in different areas. You can check out this list and go to the area where you live. Write down the list of all those mentioned. You can rely on these names because they will be actual licensed practitioners. After that if there is any other professional you have heard about from any other source, the best way to look up that person is to check out the credentials of that particular professional against the state in which he or she is practicing. Also make sure that the professional you are interested in has undergone proper training. Training is the most important factor. Always go to a professional who has more years of experience. You can also check out the personal profile of that specialist. See how many successful cases he or she has performed and what procedures he or she is more proficient in.

All this information will really help you in making the right choice. Another important area to look into before you go to a cosmetic dentist for treatment is the local court. Make sure that he has no cases of malpractice. Once all this is cleared, you can feel more confident. If you can get a hold of any previous patients of a cosmetic dentist, that will be the best source ever. Previous patients can really help you give the exact information you are looking for. They will be able to tell you how experienced and skilled the cosmetic dentist is and other factors like his or her nature and service.

About the Author:
Finding the best clinic to get Cosmetic Dentist for you, especially the one near to you is easier online.
Click here for Dentist.

Monday, October 24, 2011

All You Need To Learn About Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening has become so popular today. It is one of the most common procedures in the field of dentistry. Normally, the teeth of a child are whiter compared to that of some adults. This is due to the changes in the mineral composition of tooth when one ages up. The enamel in the tooth becomes less porous. Also, tooth can be stained up by some bacteria from foods and cigarettes. There are also some antibiotics that may cause the tooth to get darker.

Actually the tooth can be whitened by several methods. The most common are the application of bleaching creams or strips, bleaching pens, laser, and natural whiteners. If you have dentures, you can also whiten them using the so called denture cleaners.

You can actually do homemade cleaners. You just have to look for bleaching gels and apply them to your tooth with the use of a thin guard tray. You may also make use of whitening strips which you could place in your tooth. It will eventually whiten the front portions.

Other chemicals such as those that can oxidize are also often used for this purpose. Oxidizing agents work in such a way that they go into the very porous parts of the enamel. After some time, the whole set of tooth is whitened. This may last for several months but may be lessened depending on your lifestyle. Discoloration of tooth can be treated using internal bleaching. If this is ineffective, dentists may suggest other methods liken coating and masking.

Actually, you can have either of the two methods for bleaching using gels. The first one utilizes a highly concentrated gel. This could either be done in a dental clinic or at home. All you need to do is purchase the gel of this type and apply it using a thin plastic. Leave it for quite some time and the result will manifest.

On the other hand, low concentration gels can be done at home. This type is less effective than high concentration whitening gels. This includes mouthwashes, mouth guards, and strips which contain very low concentration of an oxidizing agents. The result manifests not very soon and is dependent on the chosen product.

Normally, bleaching will cause improvements in the color of your tooth especially when they have stains. However, not all bleaches can do the removal of stains. You also should know that there the results may either be positive or negative depending on how your mouth responds to the kind of whitening products that you chose. This is why you have to be consistent in communicating with your dentist regarding the treatment process to avoid negative results.

When you consider teeth whitening for treatment of your stained tooth, you must first consult your dentist regarding what kind of treatment to avail. The result will vary according to your condition so better choose the recommended treatment for you.

Prerequisites for Becoming a Cosmetic Dentist

A cosmetic dentist is a post slightly higher or different from the post of a regular dentist. The main difference is that the former works solely with the intention of improving the functionality and appearance of the mouth, teeth, gums, and overall jaw of the patient. A patient who goes to a cosmetic dentist will be one who will be more concerned about the look of his or her teeth or jaw line rather than dental hygiene or other dental diseases and problems. With the advancements in technology, the field and work of this specialist has improved tremendously with many new techniques, tools, equipment, and methods being introduced making the impossible possible. The most notable goal is to improve the aesthetics of its patient's mouth thus increasing the patient's self- esteem and confidence. A cosmetic dentist has a very keen eye towards details and knows exactly how to create that perfect Hollywood smile.

The field of cosmetic dentistry is very extensive and if you are interested in becoming a cosmetic dentist, you will have to take up extra courses and trainings to specialize in this particular field. To start out, the first steps that any person can take is to be particularly keen towards his or her high school grades. This initial step is very important and must be passed with hard work. This is the only way you can get admission in a good college that will help you become a cosmetic dentist, which is your dream career. Therefore, start by focusing on your studies in high school so that you can achieve a good grade point average.

The field of cosmetic dentistry is very competitive and in order to get into any good university program in order to become a cosmetic dentist, you really need to work hard in getting good grades. Once you achieve a high grade point average, you need to start focusing on the next test, which is either GAT, SAT, or ACT. Get as many prospectuses as you can of different universities and colleges that are offering the course. Check out what their requirements are. Most of them will ask for your SAT or GAT score. Always make sure that you apply in multiple places so that you have a choice when deciding which college to join. For this, you might need to take both of these SAT and GAT tests. Make sure your score is really high in both tests. This will add points and will increase your chances in getting admission in the best college.

Extracurricular activities are also a crucial part considered before admission. Make sure that you are an active participant in different kinds of activities and highlight them in your resume or application form. These surely add a lot of points on your scores and improve your chances in getting into the college of your choice. Another test that students interested in becoming a cosmetic dentist often take is the DAT test, which stands for Dental Admissions Test. This test is specifically for all those colleges that offer specialized courses. Taking up the right courses in high school is also important. Make sure you do not miss out on any health courses, physics, chemistry, and of course biology. These subjects are crucial for getting admission into any good cosmetic dentist university program. If you successfully fulfill all the requirements, you will have no problem in getting admission into the best cosmetic dentist programs of the world.

About the Author:
Finding the best Cosmetic Dentist for you, especially the one near to you is easier online.
Click here for Dentist.

Natural Ways to Keep Teeth White

We all want gorgeous smiles. There's nothing more beautiful on a person than a wide grin that lights up a room, and part of a great smile is having clean, white teeth. In our pursuit to look good 24/7, we may resort to a number of quick fixes like whitening strips, gels, and other products designed to brighten teeth and hide discolorations. Some may work, others may make things worse, but if you are more interested in natural ways to whitens your pearly whites why not try some of these tips.

1) Eat more fruits and vegetables. You should be doing this anyway, but when you chomp down on a crisp, juicy apple, you're not only gaining some great flavor and nutrients, but you're allowing the fruit to help remove stains from your teeth. Abrasive, crunchy treats like apples and carrots can rub against the enamel without scratching it, and literally brush your teeth.

2) Floss twice daily. Another thing you should already be doing, if you want to maintain healthy gums. Regular flossing also helps with stubborn stains that get in between your teeth - the ones the dental hygienist picks at during your annual visits. If you want to keep the stains from darkening your smile, always keep some floss handy.

3) Have a bit of dairy. Some health and beauty experts claim that having a bit of cheese, milk, or yogurt as part of your diet can help with your teeth's health. As kids we were told constantly that the calcium in milk helps keep teeth and bones strong, but there's belief that it assists with whitening as well.

4) Avoid baking soda and vinegars. Home remedies like brushing your teeth with baking soda or swishing vinegar in your mouth are believed to help polish your whites, but in truth these products could do more harm than good. Baking soda is abrasive and may scratch tooth enamel, as can vinegar and lemon juice in large doses.

Of course, there are a number of whitening toothpastes on the market. Be sure to look for products that come with a stamp or seal from the ADA - this lets you know that the American Dental Association has deemed the products effective and genuine, and safe.

If you want more ideas on keeping your teeth white and looking great all the time, talk with your dentist about the best solutions for you, that will definitely keep you smiling.

Kathryn Lively is a freelance writer specializing in articles on Virginia Beach dentists and Virginia Beach dental care.

Dental Assistant: A Smart Career Choice in the Health Care Field

Few careers offer the interesting job prospects of a Dental Assistant. As the Canadian population ages, the dental health sector will only get busier - and that means more jobs. Employment in the sector is projected to increase by 36% in the next decade, and "Dental Assistant" will be one of the jobs leading that growth. The position offers many benefits including generally clean and professional work environments, a variety of employment locations, and the satisfaction of knowing that your job is helping people.

Many career colleges offer Dental Assistant programs, designed to prepare students for careers as a dental assistant (Level 1 & 2), intra oral dental assistant, or PDA (preventative dental assistant). These positions can be found at both family dentistry offices and cosmetic-dentistry offices. No matter which career or work environment you choose, you can expect to be responsible for the following activities:

· Polishing teeth and applying fluoride and sealant

· Taking preliminary impressions for diagnostic casts

· Creating temporary crowns and restorations

· Acting as a general assistant to the dentist during patient examinations

· Preparing dental instruments and materials

· Explaining dental hygiene basics to patients

· Taking and developing X-rays

Students will typically learn the skills required to begin employment in the dental sector over the course of a 26-week program, which will typically include a 2-week job placement internship. Many students find the two-week practical experience to be invaluable, as it truly prepares them for the "real world" life of a dental assistant. Students interact with dentists and more experienced employees in order to both learn more about the industry and develop invaluable contacts. A typical course load for a Level 1 dental assistant program would likely include the following courses:

· Dental office terminology

· Tooth morphology

· Oral pathology

· Dental and medical emergencies & pharmacology

· Preventive dentistry & nutrition

· Communication and psychology in the dental office

· Clinical procedures

· Dental radiography

· Radiation protection

· Oral surgery and endodontics

· Orthodontics and fixed prosthodontics

· Removable dentures/prosthodontics and periodontics

· CPR and first aid

Students who have an interest in furthering their study and taking the Level 2 training (and who have a 70% average or better) can do so by extending their studies by 13 weeks. This will give students a "Preventive Dental Assistant" designation, and even better job prospects, and likely a higher salary. No matter how far you choose to take your studies, a career as a Dental Assistant could be what you're looking for.

Contact the The National Academy of Health & Business (NAHB) for more information on their dental assistant program.

Mitch Conway is a freelance writer who works for Higher Education Marketing, a leading Web marketing firm specializing in Google Analytics, Education Lead Generation, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Mobile SMS Alerts, Social Media Marketing and Pay Per Click Marketing, among other Web marketing services and tools.

Orthodontic Treatment - What Is Invisalign?

As an alternative to traditional, metal braces, Invisalign as an orthodontic treatment has gained popularity over the past few years because the treatments are virtually invisible. Designed to align and straighten teeth, Invisalign has been used to treat more than 700,000 patients since 2008. The most obvious advantage of Invisalign treatment is that they are very difficult to see and less intrusive than wire and metal bracket braces. Moreover, many of the effects on the gums and supporting tissue that result from traditional braces are avoided by Invisalign as they are removable making them and the teeth and gums easier to clean.

This modern approach to straightening teeth relies on a custom-made series of tooth aligners that resemble a mouth guard. Because they are created individually for each patient, they are designed to fit only your set of teeth so that they are comfortable and effective. They are made of virtually invisible plastic that is worn over your teeth so that your teeth can be gradually realigned giving you a straight and attractive smile. Patients are given a new set of plastic aligners every 2 weeks or so, each set designed to make slight adjustments to the alignment of your teeth.

There are certainly more popular alternatives for straightening teeth, but few are as comfortable or cosmetically appealing as Invisalign. As mentioned, the aligners are virtually invisible so most people in your day to day life will have no idea that you are undergoing a tooth-straightening procedure. Invisalign therefore make a popular choice for adults who are concerned about how they look and feel. Even teenagers today are partial to Invisalign because they are not met with the same level of stigma associated with metal braces.

Invisalign treatment begins when your dentist takes pictures, x-rays and dental impressions of your teeth. These images are then used to create digital 3-D image of your teeth so your dentist can determine your best treatment plan. The exact movements of your teeth will be mapped out and your doctor will be able to show you a virtual demonstration of each stage of treatment.

Once your treatment plan has been determined, your custom aligners will be manufactured. Each clear aligner is created with your specific treatment plan in mind. Made from BPA-free plastic, these aligners fit comfortably over your teeth so that you won't experience any irritation in your cheeks and gums, unlike traditional braces. You can wear these aligners all day, removing them only to brush and floss your teeth or eat. Each set of aligners will gently and gradually move your teeth into a straight position.

The entire Invisalign process requires only a few visits to your dentist, approximately twice a month, to get you started with a new set of aligners. At each stage of treatment, you will return to your dentist or orthodontist in order to monitor your progress. Treatment typically lasts for about a year, although each patient is different. Nevertheless, at the end of your Invisalign treatment you should be happy to see a new, straighter smile that gives you the confidence to smile.

For more information on Calgary cosmetic dentistry please visit dentist in Calgary online.

Are You Looking for the Best Teeth Whitener?

Many people would like to have white teeth and they would like to find the help from the best teeth whitener. No doubt, having beautiful and nice teeth can help people to establish a friendly and beautiful image. It would help people to have a good life because people would be easily attracted by the others with sweet smiles.

If you do not have white teeth at the moment, you can consider several options which can help you restore the whiteness of your teeth. First of all, you can consider taking the bleaching treatment done by professional dentists. Of course, the bleaching work for teeth is totally different from the bleaching that people perform in daily cleaning of houses. The dental bleaching is done by the dentists and they would apply some of the mixtures to the surface of the teeth. After a certain period of time, the stains on the teeth would fade. Then, dentists would do the laser treatment so that the teeth would become white. This is probably the best and the most effective method that people can consider if they wish to have white teeth. However, it certainly costs people money.

If people do not have a lot of money to pay for the expensive treatment, they can consider using some in-house methods for whitening their teeth. They can purchase the whitening kit designed for in-home teeth whitening. The kits are similar to the ones used by the professionals. There would be products like tray, mouthpiece, etc, which can help people whiten their teeth gradually.

There are benefits and disadvantages that the two whitening options would have. No doubt, the professional dentists would help people remove the yellow color of teeth in a short period of time but they are expensive. The in-home method is cheaper but they might not provide a very fast result like what the dentists can do.

No matter what, people have to remember that it is necessary for them to keep their teeth clean even after the treatment. The whitening efforts can be eliminated if people do not brush their teeth well or if they continuously drink acidic drinks like soft drinks. It is because these drinks would gradually reduce the effect of the bleaching agents applied and cause the yellowing of teeth again.

If you hate yellow teeth and you wish to make a change, looking for the best teeth whitener would be the solution that you can adopt.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

You Don't Need To Be Afraid Of The Dentist Anymore!

Many people who have been afraid of going to the dentist have put off having even routine dental care. Thankfully now sedation dentistry has become available and it enables these individuals to obtain the dental care they need without fear. The term sedation dentistry refers to the use of pharmacological agents that will calm and relax a patient prior to and throughout a dental appointment. These sedatives establish a relaxed, simple and calm state within the patient that lasts all through the process.

Although sedation dentistry has sometimes been call sleep dentistry, this is not accurate. Rather than inducing sleep, local anesthetics are utilized as a resource for the prevention and management of discomfort and anxiety. These sedation methods allow the patient to be kept awake all through the whole process, but in a totally relaxed state. An extra benefit is the fact that, as soon as the process is completed, patients usually don't remember very much about the procedure. Utilizing sedation dentistry methods, dentists can offer even their most fearful patients an extremely relaxing and anxiety-free visit.

Among the main advantages of sedation dentistry is the fact that individuals frequently really feel like their dental process lasts only a couple of minutes, when actually it may have taken hours to carry out. This really is particularly useful to individuals who know they require lengthy or complex dental procedures, because they are able to feel comfortable all through the therapy procedure, regardless of how long it takes. Sedation dentistry enables patients to undergo even complicated dental procedures which could otherwise require six or much more appointments in just one visit.

Also, because this provides an answer for many of the typical fears of the dentist many people have, patients who realize that they always have sedation as an option are a lot more likely to have routine dental care. Some patients will need sedation for nearly any therapy, but other people like having it as an choice for procedures that take a long time or that they feel are unpleasant. Many people really feel empowered by having the sedation choice, even when they do not wind up utilizing it.

There's no doubt that sedation is really a great choice for many people and the case for it could be summed up in just one sentence: "If it helps, why not use it?". Patients who experience the advantages of anxiety-free sedation dentistry for the very first time frequently say that they wonder why they waited so long to create the appointment. It's a brand new day for those that have been afraid of the dentist. Now necessary dental procedures are not just tolerable but can even be comfortable and relaxing.

Alan Gardner has more information about anxiety-free dentistry at, the website of Drs. Dan and Casey Jones, who offer the latest technology at their Fort Smith Dentist office.

Cosmetic Dentist - Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

One of the first features that others will notice is your smile. If your teeth are looking dull, discolored, or have gaps and chips, you might want to think about what a cosmetic dentist can do to restore them. Sometimes, all it takes is one simple procedure to transform your smile and make you feel more radiant from the inside out. There are many different choices when it comes to cosmetic dentistry, as dental technology has grown in leaps and bounds in the past few years. Procedures that used to be considered exotic or prohibitive in price are now accessible for a far wider range of patients. These are meant to make teeth straight, white, healthy, and uniform in size.

The first type of procedure that you might want to visit your cosmetic dentist for is teeth whitening or bleaching. This can be performed within the dental office, or at home. For the at home type of bleaching, you must first visit your dentist so that a mold can be made for your teeth and a full checkup can take place. The mold of your teeth will be sent to a laboratory where a special tray is made that you can fill with whitening agents and wear at night for several weeks. The other option is to have a laser whitening procedure performed in the dentist's office, which gives instant results.

Another option for those who wish to make their teeth whiter and brighter is to have porcelain veneers put into place. These are also custom made from a mold of your teeth, and they are completely stain resistant. These are thin layers of porcelain that are bonded directly to the tooth, so they can be used to hide one stain or as a protective layer for several teeth. Veneers can also be used to mask chipped teeth, spaces in between your teeth, or fix crooked teeth. Those who are missing a tooth or several teeth might want to ask their cosmetic dentist about dental implants.

A dental implant is crafted from titanium, in most cases, and is surgically implanted directly into the jawbone to serve as a root replacement. This is permanent, unlike other forms of tooth replacement such as dentures or dental bridges. The implant then serves as the anchor for a crown. Crowns can also be used to cover discolored or damaged teeth, and are one of the older forms of cosmetic dentistry. It's a good idea to have a consultation with your cosmetic dentist to get started with exploring these options.

Dentistry has come a long way in the past twenty years and our dental office, Atlas Park Dental Queens, New York is no exception.

Atlas Park Dental is a Queens dentist office offering a full range of dental services from root canals to smile makeovers 7 days a week.

To find out more, visit us online and book an appointment with a Queens cosmetic dentist today.

Teeth Whitening Strips - Which Are The Best And Do They Really Whiten Discolored Teeth?

Teeth whitening strips are a popular and heavily marketed whitening product, but can simple strips whiten your teeth? The active ingredient in whitening strips is used in many different whitening products, but can a few thin strips really contain enough of this bleaching agent to get you the whiter smile you want? Are gels and toothpastes more effective than strips? Read on to find out.

Are Teeth Whitening Strips Really Effective At Whitening Teeth?

Different whitening products will get you different results depending on the amount and concentration of the active whitening ingredient, called peroxide, that is found in the product. One of the most commonly used over the counter at home whitening products are teeth whitening strips. Whitening strips are made by a number of different manufacturers and vary greatly in the concentrations of peroxide used and in their whitening effectiveness.

The strength of whitening strips depends on the amount of peroxide found in them, which isn't always as simple to tell as it should be. You'll want to stick to a reputable brand that is ADA approved for the best and safest results. Uncomfortable side effects are a possibility with any whitening product that uses peroxide, so the reputation of the brand matters when searching for a safe but effective product.

The best whitening strips can make a significant difference in your smile and whiten your teeth by several shades, while less effective brands that use less peroxide will not get you the same results. When shopping online for a whitening product it's important to look at reviews and ratings to determine what product to purchase.

In short, a high quality brand of whitening strips that contains a significant percentage of peroxide can whiten yellow stained teeth effectively. However, care must be taken when shopping to find an effective brand, and there are side effects to watch out for.

How Do Whitening Strips Compare With Gels and Toothpastes?

Generally one teeth bleaching product will be more effective than another if it contains a greater concentration of the active whitening ingredient, peroxide. Whitening gels and strips are both quite effective at whitening teeth, though some gels can be purchased online which include a stronger concentration of peroxide than most whitening strips. However, since most whitening gels use carbamide peroxide and most whitening strips use hydrogen peroxide as their active ingredient, making a direct comparison between the two is not as simple as comparing the percentage of peroxide included in the product.

Most whitening toothpastes do not include peroxide, though there are exceptions that are worth looking into, but instead rely on abrasives like baking soda and hydrated silica to scrape off stains on the outer layer of enamel. The downside to abrasion is that too much can remove enamel from your teeth, damaging them and making them sensitive and even more susceptible to staining. For this reason I recommend avoiding most popular whitening toothpastes and using a brand that features peroxide in addition to limited amounts of gentle abrasives.

How Do Teeth Whitening Strips Work?

The key whitening ingredient in whitening strips is peroxide. All teeth bleaching products like whitening gels, whitening pens, and whitening strips contain peroxide in one of two possible forms. Carbamide peroxide is the most commonly used in gels and can be found in some more effective whitening toothpastes as well, while hydrogen peroxide is typically used in whitening strips and whitening pens.

Carbamide peroxide breaks down into hydrogen peroxide, meaning this form of peroxide is less effective at whitening than an equal concentration of hydrogen peroxide. In fact carbamide peroxide is around 1/3 the strength of the same concentration of hydrogen peroxide. Despite this carbamide is still an effective whitening agent and is often used in gels because it can be safer to handle than high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizer, meaning it breaks down itself into oxygen and water. The concentrated oxygen penetrating through the pores of your enamel into your teeth is what breaks apart the stains that discolor you teeth. These stain pigments are torn apart at a molecular level by the oxygen. This is why peroxide whitening gels and strips are more effective at whitening teeth than abrasives like baking soda or most whitening toothpastes, which don't include peroxide.

What Are The Side Effects Of Using Teeth Whitening Strips?

Like all peroxide whitening products, teeth whitening strips have a risk of side effects. Specifically, you need to be aware of the potential for increased tooth sensitivity and possible gum irritation.

A temporary increase in dental sensitivity to extreme temperatures is a common side effect of whitening your teeth with peroxide. This means it can be painful to eat ice cream or drink hot coffee. This side effect will diminish and eventually disappear once you stop your whitening treatment. The best way to avoid this or to quicken recovery from it is to use a restorative toothpaste to repair the structure of your teeth and decrease sensitivity before beginning your whitening regimen.

Gum irritation can be limited by carefully applying the strips so that they do not come into contact with your gums. Depending on the brand of strips and their size, this may be difficult to avoid.

You can also decrease the time you wear the whitening strips to decrease the risk of sensitivity and gum irritation, however this will of course decrease the effectiveness of the whitening process. Despite this you can still get great whitening results by wearing the strips only on every other day and using a high quality whitening toothpaste in conjunction with them.

Should They Be Used With Other Whitening Products Or By Themselves?

To avoid the side effects associated with peroxide teeth bleaching you should only use one high concentration peroxide whitening product at a time. Choose a quality brand of whitening gel, whitening strips or a whitening pen and use it according to the directions. Continue to brush regularly with a high quality toothpaste, either a restorative toothpaste if you are suffering from sensitive teeth, or a whitening toothpaste to maintain the new smile you'll receive from a peroxide whitening product.

Remember that no peroxide-based whitening product can whiten crowns or capped teeth, since peroxide can only whiten the natural tooth enamel. It's also important to know that stains caused by tetracycline, which cause teeth to become a shade of gray, are much more difficult to whiten than yellow stains caused by food. While whitening strips used correctly can provide noticeable results of up to several shades lighter teeth, it's helpful to temper your expectations. No over the counter product can get you movie star white teeth, but you can get a significantly whiter smile that lets you brighten up a room with a quality brand of whitening strips.

Finally, if you'd like a detailed review of the best teeth whitening strips available, visit for more information. Manny Calvera is a writer and blogger who has gained a much improved smile thanks to over-the-counter whitening products.

What to Expect Before and After Getting Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a surgical procedure that can only be performed by an implant dentist. This procedure is the latest advancement in the field of cosmetic dentistry and is a great improvement over the traditional method of dentures. An implant dentist makes it easier for you to restore your lost tooth or teeth so you can regain your confidence, eat and talk easily without any pain, and enjoy a normal healthy life again. The procedure performed by this specialist is not easy at all and requires the patient to make several visits to the clinic before the treatment is over. The specialist has to take full precautionary steps to make sure that the patient is fit enough for dental implants. Furthermore, there are various types of dental implants, and only an experienced professional will be able to tell which type of dental implant will be most suited for your particular case.

Before the process can begin, the implant dentist prepares the patient by conducting a series of procedures and steps to prep up the patient and avoid any complications in later stages. He first evaluates the condition of the patient thoroughly. He takes multiple x-rays of the patient's jaw and teeth to study the situation carefully. He/she then takes some models of the mouth of the patient. At this stage, it is important for you as the patient, to fully discuss with your implant dentist all medical history or current problems you might have so that he/she can take those into consideration before performing the procedure. If you have had any previous orthopedic implants before, make sure your caregiver knows of them. On top of that, if you have any vascular or heart problems you should highlight those too. The implant dentist will get you started on a dose of antibiotic to prepare you for the surgical procedure.

Don't be afraid to fully discuss the whole procedure. Make sure he/she highlights all stages to you. Always ask about any concerns or side effects that you might experience afterwards. You should be fully prepared both physically and mentally for the procedure. If you are a heavy smoker, try quitting the habit before you get the procedure done. Also cut back on your consumption of alcohol to avoid complications. These two problems can cause severe complications later on in your procedure. Your implant dentist will also ask you to quit smoking and drinking. He will also ask you to refrain from any eating or drinking 6 hours prior to your surgery. Make sure you strictly follow any other orders of your caregiver for a successful and safe surgery.

On the day of your surgery, you will be asked to wear comfortable and loose clothing. You should come fully bathed and cleaned. Make sure your hair is freshly washed too. Your hygiene level is important before the surgery and your implant dentist will also ask you to be careful of all these things. The dental implants procedure will be performed under general anesthesia so you do not have to worry about any pain. However due to the anesthesia, you will feel very dizzy after the procedure and you will be kept under the close watch for a few hours. Afterwards, it is best to ask a family member or friend to drive you home. You will experience some pain and soreness in your gums and probably even some bleeding. This is quite normal and your implant dentist will tell you so too. Follow all post surgery advices carefully.

About the Author:
Finding the best clinic to get Dental Implants for you, especially the one near to you is easier online.
Click here for Dental Implants.

Are Home Teeth Whitening Kits Worthwhile?

There was a time when having exceptional white teeth was reserved for those that can afford the costly procedure and personalities that were gracing the covers of magazines. Unless you really had good genes, took great care of your teeth, and stuck to a healthy diet devoid of foods that stain all your life, your chances of having the perfect dazzling smile were slim to nil. That was years ago though, professional cosmetic dentistry has become very accessible and affordable to most anyone and for those that want an even affordable option, you can opt for teeth whitening kits at home procedures.

We see these over the counter whitening kits almost everywhere. The desire to have whiter teeth has swept the planet and this demand has been answered. Incredibly easy and safe to use, millions of these DIY whitening kits have been purchased each year and the numbers keep adding up. The question here is "do these home whitening kits really work?" And the answer is "generally."

Using tooth whitening kits at home is somewhat like having the procedure done professionally. They both basically have the same concept but over the counter whitening kits are a toned down version of the in-office procedure. You see, such whitening procedures rely on a bleaching agent, commonly used is hydrogen peroxide, to remove the deep stains that have accumulated and hardened not only in the surface of the teeth but also inside the micro fissures and crevices which have formed on our enamel. Common teeth care products are unable to reach deep down and scrape off these stain causing substances as they are not strong enough and small enough to get in.

The reason why at home teeth whitening kits have less bleaching agent content than in-office procedures is that large amounts of this compound has the possibility of producing risks in unsupervised situations. That's why a person has to follow the instructions fully and should use the product in the manufacturer's recommended application time only.

Most home whitening kits require multiple applications before they are able to produce any noticeable results. The duration and amount of kits that you will need will depend largely on the degree of staining a person has in his teeth and how many shades the person wants his teeth to be whiter. If you only want to whiten your teeth by a shade or two, you may get your desired results in just a week or two, but for higher shade differences you may need to use the product for a month or more. But for an effective tooth whitening procedure that is comparatively much cheaper, this is a wait that may be well worthwhile.

There are certain factors and situations though where whitening kits at home procedures may not be worth your time and money. For some people they are not even recommended, in fact, they can be risky. People who have cavities and gum problems should first have their problems treated or risk contracting an infection or irritation. People who are allergic to the bleaching agent should avoid this procedure. Pregnant women should not undergo any tooth whitening procedure as they may swallow the compound and possibly create an adverse effect to their unborn baby.

Another disadvantage with over the counter teeth whitening kits is that you may not get results of even whiteness, especially if you have a misaligned row of teeth. Also, if a person doesn't follow the procedure properly he or she may not effectively get the lighter results that they desire or maybe even possibly go past the shade recommended for them.

One misconception about home tooth whitening procedures that have led many people to be disappointed is that whitening products such as whitening toothpaste, mouthwash, and gums are sufficient enough to do the job. While these tooth whitening products do contain a bleaching agent, they are very small compared to the already scaled down version of the home teeth whitening kits. They may be able to remove some of the surface stains but they won't be potent enough for the deeper causes. These whitening products are best for maintaining whitened teeth and prolonging the lightened condition. If you want a more effective teeth whitening at home procedure, then opt for the whitening tray and whitening strip kits.

Smile Science leaders in tooth whitening have treatment centres in many major UK cities. They also supply a range of DIY teeth whitening kits to countries all round the world. Smile Science, Westgate House Business Centre, Westgate Road, Ealing, W5 1YY, 0844 875 4142

When you choose Smile Science you know you will be receiving the most effective cosmetic teeth whitening service available. Smile Science uses only the highest quality equipment and products which have been developed by dental manufacturers with over 16 years of experience to insure the highest grade of quality, freshness and consistency. This is the same teeth whitening solution that is distributed to and dispensed by dental offices worldwide.

Smile Science
Westfield Shopping Centre
Ariel Way
London W12 7GF
020 8758 7900

Bad Breath and Kissing

If you've ever read online dating forums or advice columns or advice columns you know bad breath can be a deal breaker when it comes to first dates. This is why singles suffering from halitosis are often anxious on the first date. First kisses are nerve wracking enough without having to worry about halitosis. If you struggle with bad breath, you don't have to miss out on the first kiss. Here are five helpful tips on how to make sure your mouth is ready when the time comes to pucker up:

1) Take BreathGemz Bad Breath Pills
Breath fresheners that contain sugar or alcohol can actually make breath worse. The bacteria in your mouth actually feeds off of the sugar - reproducing and creating sulfur compounds. Likewise, alcohol dries out the saliva that naturally breaks down debris. Mints and gum just make the problem worse. A better strategy is using a breath freshening capsule like BreathGemz. These pills eliminate bad breath rather than masking it and neutralize food odors including garlic, onions, and spicy foods. Breathgemz contain an all-natural liquid containing a blend of parsley seed oil and sunflower oil and are coated with a proprietary coating called Instimint? that produces an instant minty fresh feeling. The combo addresses bad breath from the inside out. Take one before the date and a couple after diner as well.

2) Don't Drink too Much
With first date jitters it can be easy to drink more alcohol than you would otherwise, but alcohol is a drying agent and drinking alcohol in excess can quickly kill off saliva, which is important in maintaining good breath. Additionally, some liquor and dark beers can cause strong unpleasant odors in even the freshest of mouths.

3) Don't Smoke
Smoking can cause a stale smoky odor to linger in your mouth long after you've finished a cigarette and it also dries the mouth, making a more hospitable climate for bacteria. If you want to be ready for a spontaneous kiss avoid smoking before the date (and consider quitting for good to improve your health and breath for good).

4) Get Plenty of Water
Nerves can cause dry mouth, and a dry mouth can exacerbate bad breath so make sure you get plenty of water before and during the date. Don't be afraid to bring a water bottle on your way to the date and order a glass of water with dinner. Drinking water regularly will not only improve your breath, it will also improve your skin and overall health.

5) Avoid "Bad Breath Foods"
Certain foods such as garlic, onions, citrus juices, and coffee are considered "bad breath foods." Acidic foods like tomatoes, oranges, pineapple, and grapefruit can upset the pH balance in your mouth, causing bacteria to multiply faster. Avoid these ingredients, if possible, to make it easier for breath fresheners to do their jobs.

Remember, at the end of the night, if the date went well, lip locking is a possibility, but certainly not required. If you are concerned about your breath consider a romantic hug and kiss on the cheek. This will allow you to buy some time and let the relationship grow a little deeper before having to broach the subject of bad breath.

These tricks will help minimize the difficult dating situations that bad breath can cause, but they won't cure the problem for good. With holiday parties, seasonal get-togethers, and mistletoe sightings around the corner, it's time to stock up on the recommended products that can help eliminate your halitosis. If you suffer from chronic seemingly untreatable halitosis visit a clinic specializing in bad breath treatment, as there are a number of potential medical and physiological factors that a professional will be able to diagnose and address.

About the Author: Dr. Dailley has been practicing dentistry since 1981 and founded the Center for Breath Treatment in 1996. He holds a degree in Cell & Molecular Biology from San Francisco State University as well as a Dental Degree from the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry. Dr. Dailley performs on-going reserach for bad breath solutions to help cure bad breath. Visit Dr. Dailley, a bad breath dentist with a 99% success rate.