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Friday, December 31, 2010

How A Dentist Can Help From Infancy To Adulthood

The dentist is a provider of health care dental, a person must see early childhood to adulthood. Some specialists may need to be seen during a lifetime of dental needs, but here is a basic timeline that will guide you on measures of well-being permanent tooth.

- 0 to 6 months babies need care even oral health. Teeth may not yet surfaced, but parents still need to wipe their baby's gums after each feeding. It is also wise to avoid making a habit of putting the baby to bed with a bottle.

- For the first year of life: The first life of the teeth first. The initial eruptions are more common in the lower front teeth. As a result, these two are responsible for a pair of upper incisors. exact month varies and can occur at any time after two months and a year. The most common program is three to nine months. Toothbrushes should be done with the parents of a small amount of toothpaste and a soft toothbrush. Weaning from the bottle is usually at the end of the first year.

- Preschool: When a child enters kindergarten, he or she should begin to brush and floss clean with a little help. The lessons should be given to young people on how to brush and the amount of toothpaste should be used. Too much fluoride in oral hygiene products may cause stains on the enamel of a condition called fluorosis. ups of dental routine should begin during the preschool years.

- School-age children: At the age of seven or eight years, a school age child must be able to brush their teeth without help. Flossing should be done every day too. The dentist should be a family practitioner in the child's life now, the two of them have developed, we expect an amicable relationship. It is better to have good dental memories before any serious work to do. There will be less likely to fears and phobias, if a solid foundation has been established.

- Early orthodontic attention: children as young as seven years I can not see the first full orthodontic braces are worn. In some earlier preventive measures can reduce the amount of work to be done later.

- Braces during their teenage braces come in a variety of colors and styles. Many young people end up wearing braces to straighten their smiles that the customization options are almost limitless. Colorful, bright or removable - you name it, teens can find a style that works for them.

- Cosmetic Dentistry in subsequent years if there are weaknesses, such as the snaggle-tooth smile, enamel discoloration, yellowing appearance, missing teeth or other unpleasant problems, cosmetology may be the answer. Teens and adults with a variety of options to decorate their teeth.

Annually or every six months, all patients, regardless of their age, should see his dentist. Thorough cleaning and preventive controls keep the smile white, bright and without hollow.

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