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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Your Mouth, The Gateway To Health

Oral Health

Oral hygiene is extremely important to our overall health of a person. It has an impact on virtually every body system and organs of the body. It boggles the mind how something so important is seen by so many of our people. Why this happens can be attributed to several factors. The most important of these is that, if nothing hurts or makes me uncomfortable, leave it alone. Of course, another factor is the economic factor, which implies a kind of dentist.

On May 25, 2000, the Directorate General of Health, and Dr. David Satcher, PhD., Issued a health advisory on the vital importance of oral health of persons belonging to a state of general health. He spoke of the lack of awareness of oral health and how they affect all health problems. This warning by the Surgeon General has highlighted much needed on this serious problem. The most important reason attributed to oral health is a health problem, followed by lack of dental visits. Ideally, we should not wait until problems arise before visiting a dentist. Here the keywords are the maintenance and prevention. A visit to your dentist every six months, you can probably avoid pain or costly incidents in the future. Preventive care can help save your teeth. Belongs to the person to maintain good oral health. You must remember that good oral health means more than healthy teeth and gums. This means you will have a profound impact on your overall health.

Not only does it affect your eating (chewing food) and swallowing when food is not chewed well. Oral health problems cause a buildup of plaque in the mouth. The bacteria can find its way through the body. This can lead to coronary heart disease, cardiovascular problems, strokes and diabetes. The Surgeon General report above, he also said that pregnant women with gum disease can have on premature births, low birth weight babies. There are several risk factors that are causal factors of good oral hygiene, such as smoking ... Inclined ... Poor diet ... rich in carbohydrates and sugars Diet ... Unable to brush teeth twice a day ... does not floss every day ... No visit to the dentist at least every six months or when needed ... Not to hold toothbrush about 6 feet from the toilet can expose them to bacteria in the air during the flushing of toilets.

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