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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dental Cosmetics: About Porcelain Crowns, Dental Implants, and Whitening

In 2007 alone, Americans spent an estimated $ 95.2 billion on dental work. Yes, it costs, but let's face it, a white, straight, and broad "red" never hurt anyone.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are surgically installed titanium screws that are inserted into the jawbone to replace missing teeth and provide support for crowns and bridges. An implant usually lasts 3 to 6 months to integrate with the bone before a crown or denture is installed in the trench. Dental implants are the best option for people who do not have dentures. Anyone can have the implants during the time they are physically healthy enough bone to hold the screw. The base price of the implant around $ 1250 to $ 3000 depending on how many implants you need.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening has become increasingly popular since 2000. New treatments and more effective bleaching exited the competition on the market and one of the most popular products is Zoom Whitening online. Zoom whitening treatment is a combination of wave and light gel applied to teeth. goods session lasts about 45 minutes to an hour and a relatively more effective. For maintenance, you Zoom tooth whitening treatment twice a year.

porcelain crowns (CAPS)

Crowns, or caps used to protect or restore teeth broken. It is essentially a protective coating for teeth. Porcelain crowns are the best choice because they look like color closest comparison to other types of tooth crowns. crowns to the old metal bar was attached to the gums, which does not look natural. Porcelain crowns are metal free and looks just like teeth. Porcelain crowns typically costs about $ 600 to $ 3100th

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are used to change the shape, color correct, and to realign teeth. Porcelain veneers are thin, hand shaped, porcelain bonded to the teeth. Do not cover the entire surface of the teeth. Dentists use this treatment for gaps, alignment of the teeth crowned, and bleaching of stained teeth. They are also the best solution to fix chipped teeth. Porcelain veneers are stain resistant which means they are white as the day they were set cost around $ 1000 to $ 2000 each. Temporary veneers are placed to protect the teeth before the permanent veneers are placed.


Invisalign is now the new alternative to orthodontics. Invisalign is a removable tip that is transparent and has the ability to straighten teeth in the same way as splints. This series of aligners are changed every two weeks, depending on the state of their teeth. Invisalign normal operation would reset about a year or two. This is ideal for adults who are aware of and gaining support are often used by adolescents. Now used to treat conditions such as dental overbites, under bites, stings and even cross. It costs about $ 3,500 up, depending on the needs of their teeth.

Root canal treatment

Rotten teeth and infected and treated with root canal. Your dentist wants to save all your teeth, then, to avoid unnecessary extraction of your teeth, you must undergo a root canal. This treatment is to extract the pulp inside the tooth, and then kill the nerve and blood vessels in the teeth, my teeth have stopped. The difference is so filled with a special sealant, so you can get full use of your teeth.

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