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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Dental Implant Tooth Is 99% As Good As a Real Tooth, Although It Does Involve A Bit of Surgery

Of science in dentistry, it would be difficult to underestimate the accidentally discovered that titanium metal is very friendly to human skeletal material. For the first time in centuries, a dentist, there was a way to drill directly into the jawbone to send the message to remain viable so that it could be a false tooth.

It was in 1952 when the surgeon is working with Swedish PI Brånemark titanium instruments note that removal of the bone of his landing gear was generally difficult. He quickly discovered that it was actually because titanium is a natural bond with titanium.

This opened the door for the first real dental implants, a procedure that has escaped the dentists from the time of the ancient Egyptians. Before proceeding further, it should be clear about what is a dental implant.

A dental implant is a tooth itself is replaced by a false tooth, which has just been destroyed, so it is impossible to put a crown on top of ice drilled to a carrier or a real tooth. In the case of an implant, the dentist drills into the bone of the jaw and more titanium post, which is a constraint, of course, bone. No other metal or material to do so. These messages are called plant root-form luunsisäisissä.

The titanium implant is actually four implants - four small titanium screws - that are inserted into the jaw. These four areas are capped by a ring, and above this amount is establishing a temporary crown that looks like a real tooth. After the titanium rods inserted through the first time may take up to six months in the place of healing. The temporary crown is replaced by the permanent crown, which is identical to a real tooth.

How to sound rude, but most times the pain is minimal. But you should understand that this is really kind of surgery, and is therefore likely to be more risky than most other dental procedures, although the success rates of implants better than 95%. Dental implants is about 99% as good as a real tooth, much better than a false tooth, for obvious reasons. The plant is actually anchored to the jaw, as opposed to artificial teeth, which are just glued to the outside of the gums.

Dental implants are not to replace a large number of teeth - usually only one or two, rarely more than that. It can also be expensive. Expect a dental implant at a cost of $ 5,000 to $ 15,000 per tooth. It may even get more expensive in cases where there is a need for reconstructive surgery jaw jaw to produce a site for a post of titanium.

Only in the UK dentists who have been certified "implant" is authorized to practice dental implants, but this is not required for dentists in the United States. Still, if you're considering a facility, do your homework and make sure the dentist has had adequate training in implant treatment.

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