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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

If face is the index of mind, the teeth is a part and parcel of face

A smile with a set of flawless teeth is really fascinating. But this error-less set of teeth do not come easy. You should be very specific about your dental care, if you want to mingle with the community and establish your influence.

There may be many dental problems. But most of them are correct, natural cosmetics. The dentist did not recommend a cosmetic treatment, if necessary. So, make sure your dentist is the best advice for your teeth. Do not depend on rumors.

It is cosmetic surgery, teeth aligning, teeth whitening should always consult a professional and competent dentist. It does not replace the dentist often.

But before that, you must follow a strict regimen of brushing with a medium pressure (high pressure of brushing, chances layer of enamel on the tooth is damaged and the damage is irreversible), dental floss removes plaque , etc. But it's not just the teeth that we must be cautious. Gums are also important. Loose gums, receding gums or other problems with the gums, will affect the lives € ™ s teeth

But it's not so easy to get a harmonious dentition. For the queue teeth, replacing teeth fell, etc. We have cosmetic dentists address these problems.

And now, to whiten teeth. tooth discoloration is due to two factors, the first is extrinsic. Conation outdoor lifestyles such as smoking, beetle nut / leaf chewing snuff, etc, chewing, excessive consumption of tea and coffee chemotherapy, poor eating habits, poor dental care and thus affect the color natural tooth to be addressed early in the problem.

Intrinsic factors are the spots develop inside the tooth, exposure to tetracycline and minerals in tooth formation.

However, we have a cure, or permanent makeup. Visit your dentist regularly to maintain your beautiful smile with a lot of brilliant pearls as teeth intact.

The best way is prevention. To follow a strict oral hygiene.

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