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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Are Fluoride Supplements Necessary

Due to the large outbreak of fluoride in the past two decades, many children are too fluoridated. When this occurs, can cause fluorosis stains, which can be detected by the teeth of brown, yellow, black or even beginning to collapse and faced. These cases can range from mild to severe and are becoming increasingly common among American children. Although fluoride has some advantages in the soft tissues, overdoing it can cause serious problems. This leads to the question of how much fluoride you need to get before it becomes dangerous.

The truth is that fluoride has been used a lot lately and is a major reason that tooth decay has declined over the years. When used properly, it can be safely and is also very effective in preventing dental problems. In America, many counties of fluoride in water and most people are exposed in one way or another.

The best way to use of fluoride is effective to get a small dose every day. This is the best way to reduce tooth decay, and make sure the teeth are protected. This can be done easily when drinking water, which is the optimal level of fluoride in it, and brushing your teeth twice a day for one kind of fluoride toothpaste. If you are not at high risk of tooth decay and other so there is no need to take fluoride supplements, since water and brushing is enough. If you are a high risk of dental problems, you may consider a small fluoride supplements, in order to protect the glaze and let it grow well.

The best advice is to go to the dentist and explain his recommendations for your situation. You can tell if you should consider fluoride supplements or if you are already getting enough each day. Want to make sure you have fluoride levels, because too little can lead to tooth decay, and too much can cause other problems, which adversely affect the teeth.

With all the fluoride supplements, you'll want to make sure you practice good oral hygiene, and you often are brushing and flossing every day to take care of the main causes of tooth decay.

1 comment:

Lorna Vanderhaeghe said...

I really don't know if they're necessary, but I think we should always take care of our teeth with their help. Thanks for that information.