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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What Are Dental Flippers?

Periodontal diseases, injuries and dental decay are some of the leading causes of tooth loss. However, there are many ways of tooth replacement including porcelain crowns, dentures, bridges and dental implants are some of the better replacement options for missing teeth. However, most of these dental treatments are expensive and require multiple sessions at the dental clinics. When dentures are to be fitted, it can take quite sometime before you are actually fitted with the false teeth. And all this while, till the original teeth are extracted and the denture is fitted, the individual is left without the teeth, which can be troublesome. This is where dental flipper can be a good option.

Basically, dental flipper is a good option for partial dentures and is an acrylic plate with false teeth. The dentist takes a measurement as per your mouth and a mold is created. The missing spaces on the plate are fitted with artificial teeth. The color of the artificial teeth is checked against the natural color of your teeth and crafted accordingly. The pink-colored acrylic plate is then attached to the gums with acrylic snaps and set between the teeth. However, if you are ready to spend a little more, you can get the plate secured in your mouth with tiny metal balls and wires. It sits snugly against the upper palate or below the tongue. However the placement depends upon the position of the teeth that are missing.

Additionally, there are numerous advantages of using dental flippers. As they are lightweight and easy to install, usage is easy. You only need to snap them on after placing it in position and make prefect temporary dentures till the permanent ones are created. And as these are inexpensive, they are a better option than dental implants and bridges. Usually the average price of the flipper is in the range of $300-$500. However, the dental flipper will not pose to be an obstacle in the path of speaking. One of the disadvantages of getting dental flipper is that when you eat, you need to remove them although there are certain foods that can be eaten while wearing it.

Other than that dental flippers are a good option when you have decayed teeth. If you have weak or decayed teeth, dental implants would not be a good option as the implanted tooth is supported by the adjacent ones. Dental flippers are oftentimes recommended for those younger teens that are not good candidates for dental implants. Loss of tooth can be due to injuries or accidents and can happen at any age. If you need any extra teeth put on the acrylic plate, it is easy and you won't miss any teeth.

However flippers only temporary options but there are some people that wear it for years. However, dentists do not recommend it for extended periods as it can put pressure on the gums. Additionally, acrylic is brittle and chances are high that it may break while you are talking or eating, if it has been in use for a long period of time.

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