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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Teeth story!

Most of us, especially children try to avoid visits to the dentist as much as possible.

The only way to go about this is by taking good care of your children's teeth right from home. Here are some easy ways you can keep those dental blues away from your kid's lives.

- Establish the twice-a-day brushing routine for your children. Make sure this is a rule they don't violate. Teach them to brush their teeth for at least 2-3 minutes, cleaning the mouth by gently stroking the inside and outside surface of the teeth with their brush, while using short sweeping strokes for the chewing surface of the teeth. They should also be told to avoid brushing too hard, so they don't have bleeding gums or damage the teeth.

- Flouride in toothpaste can help prevent cavities. Make sure your child uses a fluoride-rich toothpaste. Only for infants who still swallow their toothpaste while brushing, should you avoid a flouride formula.

- Just brushing one's teeth doesn't remove plaque. Flossing is equally important. Teach them to floss between teeth such that they don't end up injuring their gums. Use unwaxed floss.

- Inculcate in them the habit of rinsing their mouth well with water after every meal they have.

- Calcium is a key mineral that helps strengthen teeth and bones. Ensure that your child has a healthy diet that includes a good amount of calcium rich food, like milk and cheese.

- Eating sugary meals or drinking excess soda exposes the teeth enamel to acids which can cause it harm. Make sure you ration the amount of sugar your child intakes. Avoid treating him/her with sugar delicacies between meals. Instead balance it well with your child's meal. Once your child intakes anything sugary, make sure you see that they either rinse their mouth well with water, or maybe brush their teeth.

- Ensure that your child has regular dental check ups, at least every six months.

- Cleaning the tongue is equally important. While some people use their brush, your kid can use a special tongue cleaner to remove all the build-up.

- Your kids shouldn't think of dental care as a chore. Let them choose their own toothbrush and paste if possible. Something in bright colours and with carton characters will entice them more into brushing.

Read more: Teeth story! - The Times of India

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