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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dentist Saves Patient's Life! Read All About It!

Wow, what a story will save lives in the dental office. Of course, my staff and I and most other dentists are trained in CPR and AED do have a device to shock his heart if needed to save his life, like other dentists and they would have good people around emergency, but it is not what this article is about. I am writing to you on the connection between dental health and, literally, how long you live your life and feel comfortable. In the course of an investigation of adults in most dental patients stick tongue. They are not intended to make a social statement, not help us to make a deep analysis of tissue for any sign of cancer of the mouth and tongue and the back of the throat are the first thing to check points with the bottom face. Oh, oral cancer is not the press that some other types of cancer, but do not be fooled by this: he is a murderer.

Did you know that more people die of oral cancer (8,000 to 10,000 deaths) and cancer of the cervix or melanoma, a serious skin cancer? Early detection is key to reducing mortality. Here are the risk factors associated with oral cancer!


40 + years

Men twice as often as women

Afro-Americans than Caucasians


A weakened immune system

harmful exposure to the sun

What may be surprising is that 25% of all oral cancers in people who have no risk factors! Good oral cancer screening at every dental examination is a mild form to help ensure that we can save the life of a patient with early detection. Some time ago, we discovered a small lump on the corner of the mouth of one of our patients. A biopsy determined that the cancer was present. Early detection, along with the elimination of the tumor and lymph nodes associated with the surgeon saved the life of a 33-year-old with a young family. Needless to say there were a lot of thanks. Routine dental visits with the routine cancer screening carried this story, one with a happy ending. Now available in the advanced device for early detection of cancer called VELScope with the flowering of the mouth for healthy tissues. Blooms that damage healthy tissue and cancer tissue does not work. This procedure for the detection of cancer is often done at no additional charge for each exam.

In life-saving, cancer of the mouth just the beginning! Want to add six more years to your life? Dr. Michael Roize, University of Chicago internist made headlines with his "real age" as he promised to give a person with a plan to reduce age valid. You may have read about or seen on Oprah or 20/20 or even bought his book. Maybe you were surprised that flossing and brushing up the ranks there to stop smoking, take your vitamins and reducing stress as one of five things you can do to reduce your " real age "Actually, keep your teeth and gums helps you add more than 6 years to your life! How? Just keep reading!

main cause of the nation's death is heart disease! One in two women will die from this disease. Did you know that there is a strong link between people with gum disease (a serious bacterial infection that destroys attachment fibers and supporting bone that hold teeth in the mouth), and people who suffer from diseases heart? The risk of heart attack and stroke is approximately two times higher in people with periodontal (gum disease). It seems that the bacteria involved in gum disease can damage the lining of blood vessels and can cause blood clots potentially fatal. It is a protein produced in the body called C-reactive protein has been implicated in damage to blood vessels and heart. It is a product of chronic infection, which obviously describes gum disease to a Tee. These same bacteria adverse cardiac and stroke can also cause some lung infections.

In a letter he received in October 2004 Peggy Fleming, said: "Stroke is the main reason why people move into nursing homes, and the third leading cause of death in the United States." She further stated " 50% of strokes occur in people who have no symptoms. "Peggy, having had serious health problems in their own lives, encourages everyone to have made provisions for possible save your life or the life of a loved one. No need to register a stroke or multiple movements can end the life or significantly reduce the quality of his victims, a month, other people, even years. There's more! Did you know that 12% of babies born in the United States are born prematurely? (Before 37 weeks of pregnancy), which increases their risk of death and permanent disability.

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