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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Right Time To Do Dental Implants

What are implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth structures that are surgically into the jawbone to replace missing tooth / teeth. These are generally made of titanium alloy, and serve many purposes, such as replacing a tooth or teeth or dental bridge support to improve retention of the prosthesis. The plant has a bone screw, and the section of the crown, which appears in the mouth.

When implants necessary?

tooth loss can affect your ability to chew and even aggravate your dental health. It can lead to various problems, such as changes in the alignment is calculated to bite chewing ability and reduce the pressure of the bite. In addition, tooth loss affects the fullness of the face. Replacing the missing tooth / teeth that will be absolutely necessary.

The implants are needed if the health of adjacent teeth is a concern. It also becomes necessary when the aesthetics and function better are his top priorities. Implants can be very beneficial for denture wearers, as it improves the function and denture retention.

What are the advantages of conventional implants to bridges?

There are many benefits of implants over bridges traditional. One of the most common is to avoid pruning of adjacent teeth. In case of conventional bridges, a missing tooth is replaced by placing crowns on adjacent teeth to support. This means that the portion of enamel teeth are trimmed and covered with wreaths. The use of implants avoid this process.

following function improvement. When the screw is inserted into the jawbone, which almost mimics the function of a natural tooth root. Therefore, it is able to work better than a bridge.

Implants can be used to replace teeth or teeth, while supporting the teeth are still required to place a bridge. This applies particularly in cases of second molars. A bridge can not be displayed if the missing second molar and third molar (or wisdom tooth) is the bread incorrect or missing.

Best appearance is characterized by the prosthesis. This is particularly important if the front teeth. The plants spread a natural sense of crowns, because they can closely mimic natural teeth.

When it's time for implants?

When the time is right! Yes, implants can be inserted at any time, bone health and general health are good.

Studies (1) reported that implants do not have a group of patients aged between 79 and 99 years. Therefore, implants can be placed in all adults, young, middle-aged and old.

Implants can be placed immediately after extraction. The implant tends to stabilize faster in these cases. You can also place after many years of extraction.

In the case of individuals who are diagnosed with chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, etc, it is best to get an implant placed when the disorder is in a stable phase. Always consult a specialist before undergoing the implant procedure.

As the plants located?

The implants are placed after making a small hole in the jaw. The implant screw is tight and place a lid. Is allowed to cure for a few months before placing the crown. However, with the availability of procedures such as deployment without flap, implants and temporary crowns can now be done in one day!

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